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Born the first child in the world with the genes of three parents


Thanks to the new reproductive technique, the first child was born, who received genetic material from three different parents at once. According to the portal New Scientist, the child was born five months ago in Mexico. The technique is called spindle-shaped nuclear transfer. Since methods that allow one to have a child in this way are prohibited for use in the United States (a couple wishing to have a child turned to scientists in this country turned for help), they decided to conduct the experiment in Mexico.

The couple themselves from Jordan. The mother of a newborn baby cannot independently have children due to a rare genetic disease - Leia syndrome, which affects the central nervous system. Previously, she had two children, but both died. One of them died six years after birth, the second eight months later.

Upon learning of the possibility of having a completely healthy baby using the genetic material of the donor mother, the couple immediately agreed. To conceive, doctors took the nucleus of an egg from a woman suffering from a rare genetically transmitted disease, transplanted it into the egg of a healthy female donor, fertilized her with her husband's seed, and transplanted the embryo back to the real mother.

As a result, the couple had a completely healthy baby born with three people at once (98 percent of the genes belong to their parents and 2 percent to the donor mother).

Before using the spindle nuclear transfer method, the pair were offered similar equipment. In this case, it was proposed to take three eggs, fertilize them and then choose the most suitable one. The couple refused this method for religious reasons.

Thanks to the success of the new childbirth technology among millions of people around the world who are unable to independently have a child, there is a great chance to realize this dream.

The article is based on materials
