Medicines began to print on a 3D printer

10 examples of laziness as an engine of progress


Since the first person came out, got out of his cave into the light, we are struggling to never again repeat this terrible experience. For thousands of years we have been trying to avoid the horror of going outside so as not to strain our muscles in vain. The Egyptians tried to use slaves, but, damn it, slaves complained and fled. The Europeans gave us the industrial revolution, but we had to sit at the machines and pedal, leverage ...

But scientists do not give up and strive to achieve their goal. We constantly invent something new, just to not get out of the chair, in the hope that our white hands will one day be completely free. And this is what we got.

A drug that mimics the effects of exercise


When you first come to the gym, people can give strange tips. They say “do not get carried away”, as if there is a risk that a sane person will enjoy work until the seventh sweat. And as you know, scientists are not very fond of lifting weights. Therefore, they are working on a pill that could replace exercise.

And not without success. Scientists have analyzed the signals that our bodies send during training, scanning people doing cardio. Based on this information, they charted what our bodies do when we exercise, and tried to create the same reactions with the pill.

The most successful exercise pill has so far been an artificial molecule called Compound 14. She tricks the body as if she is tired by running a marathon. The body thinks it is depleted, and spins the metabolism, allowing you to lose weight.

The molecules were tested on mice, and one lazy rodent managed to lose 5% of his body weight in seven days without any movements. Imagine how a 90-kilogram carcass sheds 5 kilograms per week, relaxing on a sofa and watching TV shows.

Scientists call their invention a cure for obesity and diabetes. But since every third in our world, one might say, is overweight, I won’t be surprised if this “medicine” will fly like hot cakes.

You may not work

If you live in the USA, you may have noticed that many jobs just disappear. But obviously not due to the fact that people are going abroad. Just instead of them, robots begin to work.

And apparently, this trend is just beginning and will soon overwhelm all the developed countries of the world. Many of the most common jobs in 20 years simply will not be - and among them are translators, taxi drivers, truckers. Amazon is replacing its drivers with unmanned aerial vehicles. In China, factories are fully equipped with robots and operate more efficiently than factories with people. In trade unions, workers begin to count employees with robots.

Not only factory workers and drivers can disappear. One of the technology innovators put it this way: “Tell me something that the robot cannot do, and I will tell you the time in which it will be able to do that.”

And although it sounds awful, in fact it may be the best thing that has happened to us. It’s not only that we can lose our job. And that we will cease to need it. Many people in the high-tech industry are preparing for a world in which we do not have to work. Together with the proliferation of robots, they are pushing governments to provide all people with basic income so that they don’t appear in the workplace anymore.

And governments are listening. Some states already pay independent income. In Germany, they are testing the project “My main income”, according to which several people are paid $ 1,100 a month to see what they will do with them. It is hoped that people will spend this money wisely and spend extra time on creative projects. Perhaps in the future we will not have to work in a black way, and this is wonderful.

Shops passing


You must have seen these self-propelled carts in which obese people drive to supermarkets. But why stop there? Scientists are trying to fix that too.

The Russian inventor has already patented the idea of ​​driving through a grocery store. The idea is to place each individual product on a rotating belt. It will be enough to stop the car, press a couple of buttons and get everything you need.

According to the plan, such a store should be very "convenient", and this, of course, is true - but you don’t have to get up anymore. It is possible that such stores will become popular in the future. Wal-Mart and Amazon are already interested in this idea.

Robots that cook for you

After your robot brings home food from the travel store, of course, he must cook it. After all, draining boiling water with pasta into a colander is fraught with serious injuries. Cook robots undergo intensive training.

For example, there is a company that builds robotic manipulators that can cook almost any food that you can imagine. Engineers trained manipulators in the movements of a professional chef. But the best part is that you don’t have to move a finger. Manipulators are controlled using the iPhone. Enter the code - and the first-class dish begins to cook.

So far, the robot chef can cook up to 2000 dishes, but soon more can be loaded. The future promises to be delicious.

Fat Rescue Enzyme


Thanks to a new scientific discovery, soon you will be able to smear cakes and not worry about calories (if you, of course, follow the figure; if not, skip this point). How? Recently, scientists have discovered an enzyme that stops the deposition of sugar in the form of fat.

Usually, if you eat cakes with a shovel, all this excess glucose in your body goes into the liver and turns into fat cells. The fact is that your body still thinks that you live on a tree, so it stores extra sugar for the future. So that if you do not find food next week, you do not have to starve.

And yet, we got down from the trees a long time ago, so if you eat a lot of sweets, your body is literally poisoned with all this excess glucose. You become bigger, your life becomes shorter, it becomes more and more difficult to climb stairs (onto a tree).

So scientists have found the enzyme G3PP. Instead of allowing sugar to accumulate and become fat, G3PP turns this sugar into glycerin, which is easily eliminated from the body.

G3PP also neutralizes sugar. A lot of sugar has a bad effect on your body's production of insulin - and can lead to diabetes. But in the future, cake may be more useful than vegetables.

A machine that plays with pets

What if the dog wants to play, and you are too lazy to get out of the couch? Let him play with the car. And this is not such a futuristic device: you can buy it now. Tricky and lazy inventors have created a machine that throws balls for your pets. They realized that taking a tennis ball, throwing it and watching a dog headlong rush into his search can be tiring. But a machine can throw balls all day.

Lamps imitating the sun


In such a world of the future, little will worry us. But one cannot do without the light of the Sun; it is necessary for the normal existence of man. Fortunately, scientists have developed the so-called full-spectrum lamps, and they are no worse than sunlight.

According to the people who created them, these lamps should preserve our eyes, giving a more natural glow. They also emit ultraviolet radiation, like sunlight. Full-spectrum lamps have a psychological advantage: they will make you feel better and happier, as if you are in natural light.

Of course, the benefits and harms, and indeed at least some effects of these lamps are not fully indicated. The main argument is that natural light may not affect our mood at all. Some argue that the "effect" of natural light appears only in our heads. In other words, natural light bulbs will only make you happier if you think you need to be outside more often. But when you come to terms with your reclusive existence, you no longer need the sun at all. You have enough warm artificial glow of nice little screens.

Chair for traveling around the house

Sometimes, when you are sitting at a computer, you suddenly remember that it’s time to take a walk, walk, play on the street. But, thanks to science, soon it will be possible to not get up at all.

Nissan took the technology that it uses in its self-driving cars and put it into office chairs. These chairs are equipped with sensors and self-parking technology, and Nissan has already taught them how to park under office desks.

Perhaps they can be adapted for automatic trips around the house, along the street or even to the store. While our robot is preparing excellent food, we slowly drive up to the table on the veranda. Beauty, not the future.

Furniture that moves independently

Life would be much simpler if we lived in the animated film Beauty and the Beast, in which furniture and tableware lived their own lives and took care of themselves. So scientists at Stanford University think that it would be cool.

At Stanford, they created a whole set of furniture that obeys your every team. The inventors created moving couches, a self-folding table and a trash can that walks and searches for trash. They even made a cute footrest that adapts to your feet when you sit down. So next time, if the chiffonier does not go to you, you go to the chiffonier.

Beer Robots

We are growing towards an amazing future. While the pills will exercise for us, the robots will work around the house for us, and we will roll on motorized chairs, we will only have to note the wonderful future with a can of cold beer. And the robot will take care of it.

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed robots that will gladly beat you cold. The cars are called Turtlebots (turtle robots) - the blue one is Leonardo and the red Rafael - and their only duty is to wander around the populated building in search of people who would like to drink.

These robots want to make sure you don’t have to move at all. If you want a drink, you don’t have to press a button, clap your hands or say magic words. Robots will come. They are designed in such a way that when they do not bring beer to someone, they are looking for someone who wants a drink. And when they find someone who, perhaps, wouldn’t give up the Pitcher’s, they give him a hint: “Hey, what about a beer? You deserve it. ”

Well, brave new world, I'm ready. In the end, we deserve it. Born at the right time.

The article is based on materials
