Medicines began to print on a 3D printer

Matrix PowerWatch - smart watches charging from the heat of your body

Matrix PowerWatch – умные часы, заряжающиеся от тепла вашего тела

One of the key problems of modern wearable electronics is the small capacity of the batteries built into it. Manufacturers constantly have to compromise: either make the device larger and allow it to work longer, or reduce its size, but in this case you will have to recharge it many times more often. Engineers from the company Matrix have figured out how to solve this problem in a rather elegant way: they turned the human body into an energy source, so their PowerWatch watches do not need to be charged at all.

Everything is arranged quite simply. You put a watch on your wrist, and they turn on from the heat of your body. As soon as your temperature rises as a result of playing sports or any other physical exertion, the built-in battery in the watch charges faster. When you take off your watch, it goes to sleep to save energy. But even completely discharged, they regularly store all your data, so you should not worry about their safety. The watch is water resistant to 50 meters.

Of course, due to the fact that our body cannot produce too much energy, the manufacturer had to make certain compromises. For example, the clock screen is black and white. But then you never have to use a power outlet and a charger! The clock converts heat into electricity using thermoelectric technology and the Seebeck effect, discovered back in 1821. This effect considers the occurrence of an electromotive force in a closed circuit consisting of consecutively connected dissimilar conductors, the contacts between which are at different temperatures.

Matrix engineers in the process of developing their watches have created several dozen prototypes, and at the moment they have a perfectly working gadget, ready for mass production. Project was published on the crowdfunding portal IndieGoGo and has already collected the required $ 100,000, so next year the production of PowerWatch will begin, and in October they will appear on store shelves at a price of $ 170.

The article is based on materials
