Medicines began to print on a 3D printer

A draft of the Russian super-heavy rocket for manned flights to the moon is presented.

Представлен проект российской сверхтяжелой ракеты для пилотируемых полетов на Луну

The national space corporation "Energy" recently presented the project of the launch vehicle "Energy-5V". It belongs to the super-heavy class missiles and will be used to organize the manned mission to the moon.

According to representatives of the corporation, the upper part and the hydrogen stage will be taken from the Angara-A5B rocket. From another domestic development, the Phoenix rocket, Energiya-V will receive the first and second stages for going into outer space. When using such materials, the final load capacity will be about 40 tons. According to Vladimir Solntsev, Director General of the RRK "Energy",

“In essence, a constructor is created, from which we will begin to model one or another type of carrier. All this is done in order to reduce the time and cost. The plans include the creation of a super-heavy launch vehicle, which is built on a modular basis from those key components that are already in operation today in various rockets. ”

For the construction of the Angara-A5B rocket, taking into account the creation and equipment of the corresponding ground infrastructure, it will require 150 billion rubles. Development plan to complete by 2025.

The article is based on materials
