Medicines began to print on a 3D printer

In the United States created a mobile laser gun

Very often, what we see in science fiction films, in one form or another, after a while, is embodied in the real world. Laser weapons cannot be called something unprecedented; nevertheless, all existing laser installations were stationary, but recently the American military company Raytheon introduced the world's first mobile mobile platform with laser weapons on board.

The new system is called HELWS-MRZR. It consists of a lightweight Polaris MRZR ATV buggy, in the body of which the HELWS laser machine is located. At the moment, the main application of the laser system is the destruction of unmanned aerial vehicles. The laser power is enough to burn through the casing or the screw of the drone, after which it collapses down.

At the same time, the HELWS-MRZR mobile laser machine has some drawbacks: for example, a laser can make no more than 30 shots, after which the laser will need to recharge the batteries. In addition, at the moment the laser gun cannot fire on the move, and the entire platform must stop to aim at the target. The developers' immediate plans include the improvement of the existing installation, namely the increase in laser power and the addition of the ability to fire in motion.

The article is based on materials
