
Medicines began to print on a 3D printer

Scientists have created the "most white" material

The first specific details on the construction of the lunar orbital station

Walmart will create robotic bees

On Earth in 2135 an asteroid can fall. NASA proposes to blow it up

Ilon Mask told about his hopes for the new BFR rocket

Is it time for ministers to "turn off the bench"?

# high-tech news | Issue 235

The technology of 3D-printing for the production of houses is presented in less than 24 hours

Uber unmanned vehicle killed a woman to death

Philips tests Li-Fi technology in offices

IBM has identified 5 technological trends that will change our lives by 2023

IBM created a microcomputer the size of a salt crystal

The Russian holding "Schwabe" will show its "Smart City" in Europe

# video of the day | The evolution of graphics in video games from 1958 to today

The schoolboy hacked the protected crypto Ledger

ESA will create a space telescope to study the atmosphere of exoplanets

Epic Games introduced the next generation of technology for digitizing actors

Artificial Intelligence found 6000 new viruses

Fireproof wallpaper on the basis of graphene will warn of a fire

The schoolboy made a prosthetic hand from LEGO

Google is working on the creation of cloud blocking solutions

The NASA can lose another space telescope

In MIT have created a device capable of extracting water from the air even in the desert

Scientists MIT will teach unmanned vehicles to navigate in a strong fog